4 Tips For Getting A Moving Estimate


Are you moving soon and want to hire professional movers? If so, you'll need to get some estimates so that you can compare the different professionals out there. 

Request A In Person Estimate If Possible 

Many movers will give you estimates online or over the phone based on some basic information about your home. They'll ask you the square footage, how many bedrooms you have, and if you have a ranch, colonial, or tri-level home. In the end, your move will ultimately be based on how many hours it takes to perform the move since the estimate is not binding.

The best way to get an accurate estimate is to have someone come to your home and actually see how much stuff you have. Seeing it in person can give you a more accurate estimate of how long it will take to move everything, which will determine your final bill.

Know How The Estimate Breaks Down

You'll want to get a detailed estimate of how much the move will cost, rather than just the price that the movers predict it will cost. A detailed estimate will show the cost of materials, the moving truck, and the cost per hour for each person on the crew. You can use these line items to compare each quote that you get, which will inform you of how the estimates actually compare. 

Know Your Destination

Your estimate will be improved if you know the destination that you are moving to. The travel time can be factored into your estimate since you are also paying for the time that it takes to get from your old home to your new home. If you're moving an hour away, that is an hour of labor that you will need to factor into your final costs to use professional movers. 

Plan To Be Ready Before Your Moving Day

One factor that can throw off your moving estimate is delays, which are likely to be caused by you not being ready on time. When you are given an estimate for a specific amount of hours, that is assuming that you have everything ready to go as soon as the movers arrive. Any time spent waiting for you to finish packing is only going to add to the total cost of the move, so make sure that you are ready with everything packed the day before your movers arrive.

For more information, contact a professional moving service in your area.


8 November 2022

Safely Storing Business Assets

Have you started a new business this year? Maybe, you’ve begun staging homes for people. If you provide this valuable service to customers, you might desperately need to find a place to store all of your business related assets such as furniture, rugs, mirrors, artwork, and lamps. Investing in a storage shed to put on your property is an option. Buying a storage shed will enable you to work from home at all times. Renting a storage unit is another viable alternative. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best ways to safely store valuable business assets. Enjoy!